What wattage LED corn bulb cold replace 150Watt MH BULB

What wattage LED corn bulb could replacement 150Watt Metal Halide?

Lets's study from a shop lighting project in Australia

They used Osram HQI-E 150Watt metal halide before. We can see from the Osram specification, 150Watt luminous flux up to 11,500lumens

What wattage LED we can use? 50Watt. Shop owner want a higher level brightness in the shop, so he purchased one sample 80W LED corn light with 6000Kelvin to test. from the picture you can see, 80Watt LED install on the right, We can see the price $11.35 on the price lable clearly. But another side below the MH bulb, FEVER. NICE....it is a little difficult to see the words...

 Obviously 80W LED corn light much more bright than metal halide.
so they retrofit 150Watt Metal Halide by 60W LED bulb. Now we can see the goods display on the shelf clearly.



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